

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Inside mud spa :Skin Disease Treatment

original source by and

Have you ladles been frightened that one morning when you looked into the mirror and you saw gloomy, dried and rough face instead of smooth and tender complexion? If so, it's time for you to take better care of your face.Taking care of your complexion is must for you, especially ladies, in order to maintain a smooth, healthy and young look as you could.
One way to keep such look on your face is using the mud, Don't be frightened. It's the mud full of useful minerals from different natural sources which is believed to help vitalizing the facial skin there are only few places in the world where we can find such qualified mud, from the Dead Sea and the mud from volcano. Mud mask treatment can be performed in several ways, all of which is beneficial to the face. Minerals contained in the mud are:Calcium - to keep balancing the facial skin and prevent moisture lossChloride - to control facial moisture at upper skin level Potassium - to help nourishing the skin Magnesium - to help building up and repair the degenerated cellsSodium - to stimulate the skin changes to be more efficientBesides, mud mask contains mineral water and other useful ingredient, which help in deep penetrationTo lower level of the skin. Thus, mud mask can deeply clean the facial skin and some mineral contained helps remove the dead cells leaving clean and vital looking face after use. Mud can also stimulate blood circulation and relax the facial muscles. Another property of mud mask is the ability to cure some kind of skin disease.

After 15 - 20 minutes masking the face with mud, wash the face thoroughly with water. The extra oil and impurities should be removed leaving the clean and fresh feeling on your face. Oxygen and nutrients can effectively work through the facial skin because the circulation is stimulated.Different person has different type of skin. For oily skin, mud masking should be done 3 time per week. Normal skin can mask the face with mud twice a week, Dry skin should not mask the face with mud more than once a week.
Best for you face is when you first try the mud mask. You should start with light and thin mask to allow your face to adjust to the mud, Later on, you can put normal amount of mud on. Moisturizing cream should be used after washing the mud mask from your face to increase the skin moisture and help balancing the ski. Above all is to have enough exercise, complete diet and proper rest, which will result in everlasting vital complexion and best for you.